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How Venus Retrograde in Leo Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

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Mercury isn't the only planet to perform the celestial backwards dance. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, pleasure, and money, begins it's retrograde movement on July 22nd and continues until September 3rd, 2023, in the passionate sign of Leo. Brace yourself for a profound and fiery transformation of love as you know it.

Every 18 months, Venus undergoes a retrograde phase lasting for 40 days. While in Leo, this phenomenon takes on an extravagant, prideful, and highly expressive nature. Prepare for the resurgence of past loves or, at the very least, the rekindling of memories, offering closure and the potential for new beginnings.

Let's see how this transit will affect your sign:


You might find yourself encountering a surge of jealousy within your intimate relationships. When you feel its unpleasant presence creeping up, don't hesitate to voice your concerns instead of sweeping them under the rug. It's important not to let insecurities drive you towards regrettable choices in matters of the heart. Open communication and addressing issues head-on can pave the way for healthier and more fulfilling connections.


Get ready to embark on a journey down memory lane, as a significant portion of your time will be spent reflecting on the past. Whether it's stumbling upon mementos, crossing paths with an ex, or revisiting your hometown, these encounters have the power to stir up a mix of emotions, both positive and negative. Embrace this opportunity to navigate through those feelings, allowing yourself to heal and ultimately release them once and for all. It's through this process that you can find closure and embrace the present with a renewed sense of clarity and emotional freedom.


Suppressing your true emotions and withholding your feelings from your partner can bring more harm than good. Instead, embrace authenticity and speak up about your concerns openly and honestly. By doing so, you pave the way for creating a sense of balance and harmony within your relationship. Remember, effective communication is key in establishing a strong and thriving connection with your partner.


Be mindful of the potential for both overspending and underspending, as these behaviors can lead to significant frustration within your relationship. It's crucial to seize this opportunity and establish a practical financial plan to address these concerns. By setting clear goals, budgeting effectively, and discussing financial matters openly with your partner, you can navigate through this potential challenge and cultivate a healthier financial dynamic.


You will experience a profound desire to embark on a journey of self-reinvention. It will be completely natural for you to consider changing your appearance or updating your wardrobe. However, it will be crucial for you to approach these changes with the intention of uplifting yourself, rather than seeking external validation. Making choices solely to please others can potentially lead to regrets down the road.


At this time, it may feel a bit challenging to connect with your partner. However, instead of dwelling on the things that might feel off or seem to be going wrong in your relationship, it will be beneficial for you to shift gears. Take a moment to redirect your attention and refocus on all the wonderful aspects that exist within your connection.


You may feel caught in a tug of war within yourself during this retrograde. On one side, you'll deeply cherish spending quality time and making beautiful memories with your partner. On the other side, a touch of FOMO will kick in, and you'll yearn for a night out with your friends. Balancing these desires can be a challenge during this period. But fear not! There is a path to achieve the best of both worlds. Explore opportunities to find a harmonious equilibrium that enables you to enjoy both aspects of your social life.


This Venus Retrograde is pushing you to remember that there is no fixed rulebook you must adhere to in order to achieve a perfect ending. Instead, allow your connection to evolve naturally and organically. What works for other couples may not necessarily work for you and your relationship, and that's perfectly fine. Stay focused on what truly matters and prioritize nurturing the bond that you share with your partner. 


Get ready for some surprising revelations during Venus retrograde! This period might bring to light deep-rooted patterns within yourself, providing an opportunity for healing and personal growth. Remember to be patient and honest with yourself throughout this process. It's important to keep your partner in the loop about what's going on within you, as open communication will maintain a healthy flow in your relationship.


Prepare yourself, as a light will be shown on the imbalances within your relationship. If there has been an excessive amount of taking without reciprocal giving from either you or your partner, expect these issues to reach a boiling point at this time. Understand that this breakdown is a necessary process that paves the way for a better future to bloom. By addressing these imbalances and working towards a healthier dynamic, you create the opportunity for growth, understanding, and a more fulfilling relationship moving forward.


Brace yourself for a transit filled with deja vu moments, as you find yourself being pulled backward in matters of love. Prepare for similar conversations and occurrences from the past to resurface once more. The purpose behind this cosmic replay is to encourage you to view your love situation from a fresh, healthier perspective. As you revisit these moments, you might even come to realize that certain judgments you held against certain individuals were not as justified as you once believed.


Get ready for some major lifestyle changes that will steer your relationship onto the right path. You might make the choice to prioritize healthier habits, whether it's through exercise, diet, or overall daily routines. These positive changes will have a direct impact on your connection with your partner. By embracing a healthier lifestyle, you'll gain a clearer mindset, enabling you to make important decisions together with clarity and focus.